Retirement Preparation - 1 Year Prior To Retirement


1.) Call Pension Plan 1-800-950-1435

  • Ask for a statement of Estimated Pension Benefits

  • Vesting Year = your hire date to plan retirement date

  • Benefit Year = January 1st – December 31st

  • A Full Benefit Year Consists of a total of 1800 hours worked to include:
    • Overtime
    • Vacation Time
    • Jury Duty
    • Military Service (while employed with RTM/US Borax
    • All Counts

  • 1800 hours worked for a Benefit Year = $75.00

  • Be sure to write letters, make phone calls, whatever needs to be done to ensure a good pension.

2.) HRA Reimbursements & Funds

  • Must have health insurance with RTM/US Borax to qualify for HRA reimbursement with you retire. (Please call to verify, if you qualify)

  • 1-844-887-2807 or 1-884-570-2796

3.) Intent to Retire paperwork must be file 6 months prior to your intended date.

4.) Social Security

  • Make an Appointment for the SS office or a phone interview. It may take 1-2 Office or Phone Interviews to complete the process.

  • Social Security pay is one month behind in pay. They pay you for the age you are of that month.
    (Example: if you are 62 in February, you’ll receive your 1st check in April.)

5.) Health Insurance

  • Rio Tinto drops your health insurance the first day of your retirement. You are eligible for Rio Tinto VIA Benefits. Get yourself and dependent(s) registered.


  • 1-800-778-4313    COBRA = 1-877-292-6272

6.) 401(k)/RCP – Prudential

  • 1-844-746-7381    401(k) Rollover = 1-877-778-2100

7.) My Shares

  • 1-855-801-8345

  • To access your account you will need your SRN & PIN :
    • Go to:
    • Select “Manage my share plan”
    • Enter the name of the company you work for = Rio Tinto
    • Enter your Log-In Details
    • Choose a new PIN and provide answers to 3 security questions.
      (This only pertains to your first login)
    • To get a PIN, you can call My Shares or request it by e-mail.

  • My Shares E-mail Address =
    *Be sure to register a personal e-mail account, not your RT E-mail. You will be locked out of your RT Account after you retire.

8.) My Pen Pay Web Site


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